Tuesday, October 31, 2006


What I would like the Democrats to be saying about now is that we have lost more American lives in Bush's uncalled for, unneeded, disastrous War in Iraq, than were lost in the World Trade Center attack on 9/11. In fact, this has been the case for months. World Trade Center deaths 2819 or 2823, depending on whose account is more accurate, the Americans' or the British.

Iraq War deaths as of October 30, 2006 - 2834. So, say what you will how the World Trade Center happened, we know George Bush is responsible for the Iraq War deaths, and for no reason that has become discernible over the years.

Not to mention at least 21,000 wounded Americans and countless non-combatant Iraqi deaths.

Hammer this point home Democrats. Cheney is out scaring people with Halloween talk of how a Democratic victory in Congress means the terrorists win.

Bush and Cheney are the terrorists. It's them or us. It's all war all the time, or it's fight back now.

Got it? Now, let's put those sneering Republican death's heads back in the closet until next Halloween.