Hey Green Dogs,
Progressive Caucus Update:
While talking with Green Dog Dems throughout the State, and meeting with my old buds from the Kucinich and Dean campaigns, we got to thinking we need to be more than an "interest group" or label within the Party, but a real force for change within and without the Party.
That is, we need to be an Action committee, to promote and even initiate progressive legislation, education and communication. We need to come up with practical initiatives that can be realized for the good of the people of the State of California and the Nation.
Neither center nor left (obviously not right!), but forward we go alongside our Democratic brothers and sisters.
So we are now looking to become a vehicle for progressive action.
Name that Caucus!
As we go forward, we are seeking a name for our new caucus. Should it remain the Progressive Caucus? The Progressive Action Caucus? Agenda for Progressive Action. How about ProACTIVE: Progressive Action Caucus for Initiative, Voices and Education?
OK, I like acronyms. What do you all like?
As for initiatives, how about promoting universal health care, working with our colleagues in the Assembly and State Senate for starters?
Join the Caucus, submit a name, suggest an initiative, win a prize!
Here's the Original Caucus Resolution Language, to remind you of where we are now:
Monday, November 29, 2004
WHEREAS Democratic progressives stand for the progressive visions of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and other great Democratic leaders whose dreams for the Democratic Party and America should not be forgotten, and
WHEREAS Democratic progressives who wish to have a voice within the Party on issues of concern to progressives and a place where they can air these concerns without compromise, often feel left behind by members of the Democratic leadership who (often with good reason) work to get Republican support by supporting Republican agendas as opposed to Democratic agendas, and
WHEREAS Democratic progressives want to continue to work within the Democratic Party, to continue supporting the Democratic Party and to continue encouraging others to join the Democratic Party,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the undersigned call for the creation of a progressive caucus within the California Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee and for that caucus to have a voice in official California Democratic Party and national Democratic Party policy.
Comment no. 1:
Dotty!PROACTIVE is one of the best acronyms I have ever seen. No contest. I'd join any group with that name. Lynn
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